3 Questions to Ask Yourself as an Online Sales Specialist

3 Questions to Ask Yourself as an Online Sales Specialist

Oct 31, 2021 | By Jessie Suggs

As online sales specialists, we all hit points in our careers when our performance plateaus. Or maybe you’ve fallen into a slump and need to climb your way out. To get back to your peak performance, the first step is often to ask yourself the right questions. Spending time analyzing where you are now and taking actions to make changes can allow you to perform at a higher level. 


Let’s start with these three questions: 

    1. Are the processes I used in the past still the best processes for today?

    2. Is what I’m doing right now converting interest into revenue?

    3. Does my current mindset allow me to give customers my best self?

1. Are the processes I used in the past still the best processes for today?


Processes from 2+ years ago are probably now irrelevant. If the verbiage and process no longer make sense in today's market, it’s time for an update. 


On the flip side, the NEW processes created for a Covid-crazy market may no longer be relevant as the industry settles down. In today’s market, we’re seeing builders allowing for build jobs (say what!), providing incentives (come again?), and reducing prices (gasp!). 


Things are CONSTANTLY changing, and the way you approach your processes should be no different. The messages you’re sharing must match the landscape of an ever-changing market. 

2. Is what I’m doing right now converting interest into revenue?


We spent the better part of two years "on the defense" and potentially neglecting future opportunities. In many scenarios, it was necessary to cut corners because of the sheer volume of leads coming into online sales. However, as our bandwidth starts to grow, we can't get stuck in those old ways. 


  • Let's make sure that we’re focusing on priority items and that we aren't doing $10/hour busy work. 

  • Let's get back into a full follow-up process--we're looking at you, personalized video emails. 

  • Let’s get back to prospecting! This means not only monthly lead nurturing emails but picking up the phone and making it ring the other way.


Remember, as online sales specialists, we are the farmers and cultivators. Farmers don't plant corn and expect to eat it tomorrow. Make sure your future self is set up for success. 

3. Does my current mindset allow me to give customers my best self?


Last but certainly not least is making sure you’re in a headspace where you can BEST serve your leads. If you’re not, you need to reevaluate your work/life balance. 


Work hard but play hard too by creating boundaries around your workday. Practice habits that lead to a clear mind and take notice of the things that make you happy. Carve out the time to DO THEM! You aren't doing yourself, your customers, or your company any favors by being unhappy. 


In summary, change is necessary. Whether in your processes, your practices, or your personal headspace. Now is the time to make some changes and watch the magic happen. 

Jessie Suggs
Online Sales Coach

Jessie Suggs

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